Honey and lemon for black head removal

Blackheads on face are a common problem which all of us face, especially the blackheads on nose and areas around it. Though scrubbing helps to get rid of black heads to some extent but the results are not much satisfactory. Here’s one quick and very effective homemade natural blackhead remover.
You just need to grab half lemon from your fridge(doesn’t matter if some juice is already squeezed from it) and put 3-4 drops of honey on it. Now just rub the lemon on your face for some time, make sure you emphasize on the black heads prone areas like nose, chin etc.Β Leave the lemon and honey mixture on your face for 5 minutes and then wash it with cold water. You will be able to see the results immediately. Additionally, lemon juice will also fade other marks/spots on the face and honey will moisturize. So what are you waiting for friends , go and try this one out. Checkout my suggested routine for blackhead removal.
P.S.- This is a natural remedy so it’s effectiveness may vary for different skin types. Depending upon skin type you might have to try it 1-2 times a week to see it’s effect.Β Also people who are sensitive to lemon please use it as per your discretion
How often can you do this?
I just tried this. I don’t see a difference in my pores or blackhead areas like my nose or chin, but my skin does feel really soft and smooth. I like this for softness but I don’t think it does anything to blackheads unless someone has a really bad problem that I don’t have. π
What a giant crock of shit.
This did NOT work at ALL!!!!!!!!!
It only works where you have alot of black heads. It makes anywhere without blackheads very red ): Its good, but not the best.
Does it work with a lime instead of a lemon?
@megan porter – since we are just using natural products so you can use it frequently, it would not harm.
@Shannon – I am glad you tried it. This honey and lemon therapy worked very effectively for me but maybe it’s not that effective for your skin type. Maybe apply it for some days and you might see some change.
@Layla – Maybe this therapy is not effective for your skin type, but since it’s natural and harmless you can use this for nourishing your face.
@Casey – Your skin might be sensitive to lemon so try reducing the amount of lemon and see.
@Vaneesa – I have not tried with lime yet so not sure but since lemon is natural and easily available I would go with that only anytime.
that didnt work at all… thanks for the time wasted
@rebekah, if you do not have the time to take ten minutes to do this, maybe you should not be sitting around on the internet.
Can you just use lemon juice?
@Danielle – you can try using lemon only, it will remove dirt and clarify your skin but your skin might feel dry since you are not using honey
How many times a day/ week can I do this, it works! AWESOME! Thnx
@Kave – I am happy you liked it, since we are using all natural products here so you can use it frequently, maybe alternate days also.
Can you use a half of the lemon more than once or a new half everytime?
@Cydni – It’s better to use it once only to avoid any bacterial infection by reuse. Maybe you can use 1/4 of a lemon if you feel half lemon is too much to put on your skin.
I’m really scared to use this. Does it really work? I don’t want to wake up tomorrow with my face looking like a baboons butt! The comments are indecisive…
I didn’t have lemon so I used a lime and it worked gloriously! Thanks!
Love this trick. Didn’t have that many black heads but on pimples and areas of redness it works wonders! This is a must try. But I used Bavarian all natural honey straight from the honeycomb, which I think made this trick work a lot better.
This is a great option for travelling – simple ingredients you can usually find pretty easily! π
@Alexis – Lemon and honey are natural ingredients so should not be problem. But still you can first try on your hand to see if it suits you. Also stay tuned I will be posting some things for sensitive skin too…
@Amanda – I was happy you liked it π
@Veronica – Glad it worked effectively for you, yes the Bavarian would have made it more effective
@Kate – great you loved it
I was wondering, what if I left it on longer than five min, will that be harmful? Or say I use it and clean it at five min, could I do it again the same day
I tried this on both my blackhead prone teens. We didn’t get positive results. :(. Any suggestions on what we can do differently?
Jyst wanted to make the point that sime because this is natural does not mean it can be used all the time! I wouldn’t do it more than 3 times a week. Plus lemon is a photosensitizer-meaning it makes your skin more sensitize to sunlight. Make sure you use sunscreen daily if you’re doing this. With that said- it is an awesome home and natural remedy for blackheads! Not only does the honey moisturize, but most people don’t realize it is an anti-infective and anti-microbial :I)
@Shona – It wouldn’t harm if you leave it for more than 5 minutes but try not to leave it for too long. Also you should not overuse it, just do it 2-3 times a week only
@Dana- It’s sad that it didn’t not work for your teens. Try using it for couple of more times since it’s effect might vary for different skin types
@Heather – Thanks for your valuable inputs and yes I too agree that inspite of it being natural products we need to use it in moderation.
I have a ton of blackheads and i was sad tht this didnt work π
I did this last night.
It did not work
but what it did do was irritate my face and made it swollen
the next day it went down but did not do any more then that. at least I tried
Unfortunately this did not work for me either BUT I am willing to give it another try. Maybe it just takes more time for it to work on me.
I’m all about going as natural (chemical free) as possible.
My skin did sting & turn red from the lemon juice but after a few minutes it subsided.
I really hope if I try this “recipe” a few times a week I’ll start to see those little suckers disappear because I can’t stand them on my nose!!
Thanks for sharing! π
I’m an esthetician and this is really not going to work to remove blackheads. The acid in the lemon will dissolve some of the dead skin and the honey will help to hydrate.
@Amanda – It’s sad it did not work for you, maybe your skin is sensitive for lemon because of which it was swollen
@Brittany – Thanks for trying it out , yes the lemon does give a stinging sensation for few minutes. All the best with further tries, hope it removes your blackheads totally…
@ C – This recipe has worked for most of the people for blackhead removal. Lemon is acidic in nature and hence it removes the dead skin letting the new growth of skin.This shedding of the outer layer unclogs pores, keeps skin clean, and helps reduces blackheads.
Please ladies, do not rub citrus on your face. If you do this and then go out in the sun, your face will burn! Red, itchy blisters are no fun! Even rinsing it off with water won’t help. Trust me, I’ve made this mistake. I bit into a lime at the beach and promptly scrubbed my face with water and some sand to get the juice off so I wouldn’t burn. Sure enough though, that evening, the entire area surrounding my mouth was red and itchy and then started to peel. Lasted a week or so. It was horrible! If you really feel the need to try this, scrub with a face wash afterwards and apply sunscreen. Water does not remove all the citrus juice.
This did not work at all… I have plenty of blackheads and saw no difference.
It doesn’t get rid of them, but it definitely reduced the inflammation.
But how often can you do it?
Hey Clari – You can use it twice a week…
This made my face feel amazing! I cannot wait to continue using this to see if it helps with my blemishes. Thanks for the tip!
Didn’t work for me either. I wish I had read the comments before I tried this. Oh well….back to the drawing board. At least I smell like a lemonade. π
It worked for me (mostly)! I saw a noticeable difference in the darkness of my black heads. I have very sensitive acne prone skin and any kind of rubbing, even putting on lotion, will turn my skin bright red! Happily this treatment didnt turn me all tomato-y!!! I also saw reduced inflammation in the other pimple on my face yay! I love the way honey makes my face feel too, if you have sensitive skin look up home made honey face masks you can use, it helps a lot! And to all of those who say the lemon makes you more sun sensitive, so does every other acne treatment you use! If you have acne you MUST wear some non-pore clogging sunscreen!
I just tried this. It really worked great! I had a lot of blackheads that I’ve never seemed to get rid of, and after this treatment most all of them are gone. The lemon stung a little at first, but after a few mins it calmed down. My skin now feels soothed, rejuvenated, and clean. Thanks for sharing!
Oh and my lemon was really cold from being in the fridge for a week. I don’t know if that makes a difference, but it worked for me.
Thanks so much for the tip! I tried this last night and I could deffinetly tell a difference!
It worked for me =) Even better than the DIY pore strips. I scrubbed for the entire 5 mins, not hard. At first I thought it wouldnt work but I could see the results when the time was up and I rinsed. & I did this at night so it shouldnt be a problem with the sun. This was a nice treat for my skin
I love this!! It works incredibly for me.
My pores are noticeably smaller and I don’t see
One blackhead where I had several.
Thanks for the tip!!!
I am definitely giving this recipe a try, however I feel as though you should have a little disclaimer for people who may not see results immediately after their first use and also maybe a note that says to use 2-3 times a week because people seem to be getting angry that it doesn’t work for them right away due to skin type variance. I cannot wait to try it though!
@Stephanie – Thank you for your the suggestion, will add the disclaimer soon.
I will definitely try it and see if it works for me! Easy enough
I am a teenager who tried this for the first time. For me, nothing happened at first and I was slightly dissapointed. Then the day after, my mom noticed that I had broken out where I had used the honey and lemon, so then I was quite dissapointed.
Thanks I have tried it and this most certainly worked! I just wished i wasn’t so foolish and put in on my entire face O_o. No one fault but mine that i have little heat looking bumps on my face. But my blackheads are gone from around my nose at least :-/
I don’t have many blackheads, but have a lot of visibly clogged pores. Would it work on those?
@Brittany – Since lemon is a natural cleanser so it should help to unclog your pores. So do try it and let me know your experience
Why rinse with cold water?
@KC – Cold water helps close your pores, you need not use chilled water. Make sure you dont use warm water since it will open up your pores.
I love this! How often can I do it? Every night? Once a week?
@Alison – Thanks for liking it. The point here is not to over do it so I would suggest once a week. You can also do twice since it is all natural ingredients so will not do any harm. You can also try this remedy in combination for pores minimising http://stylebees.com/lock-your-pores-and-say-bye-to-wrinkles/3313
I live in Ecuador and we don’t have lemons here are limes okay?
Can this be done on other parts of the body?
@Susan – yes you can try out lime, but initially use it in small amount to check if it suits your skin
After the cold water rinse do you put a moisturizer on?
@kyky – I have normal to dry skin and I dont need to put moisturiser after using it. But you can put if you feel little bit dryness on face.
Now, when you say you will see results immediately, does this mean you will be able to push the blackheads out, or do you mean that they will naturally go away and stop coming back?
What about lemon juice and honey on a swab if you don’t have a lemon?
Can we substitute the lemon with just lemon juice?
@MissNikki930 – This recipe helps to removes dirt from clogged pores and hence removes blackhead. It does not stop it from coming in future. You will need to use it on regular basis.
@miranda – Yes you can substitute the lemon with just lemon juice.
@crystal- lemon juice and honey on a swab should be fine.
u sure it wont wround the skin bc im 15 and i do have this one blackhead but i dont want it to damage my skin..should i just use it on top of that black hole area? also is this good for dry skin bc i have really dry skin???
If I don’t have a lemon, can I mix lemon juice and honey together?
Don’t give up. If you broke out more, that means that you had underlying acne that was going to come out and the lemon/honey brought it out sooner. I would suggest you do this 2-3 times a week and let it work for you. You can’t give up after the first try.
Used this last weekend and it worked like a charm. I had a very stubborn blackhead and after using this remedy, the blackhead came right out! Thanks
Can your face be dry before using?
@Abigail – Yeah that should be fine
I am a mother of three, working a more-than-full-time job. Needless to say, I don’t have much to time, so I like to keep things pretty low maintenance. This treatment was amazing! It sounded appealing due to the fact it only had two ingredients and would only take minutes. It absolutely worked. It didn’t just clear up blemishes, it made my skin feel tighter and more smooth. I will definitely be trying this again.
Hey Jenn,
I feel so happy it worked so well for you π
I just love this remedy. I prefer such natural treatments over abusing toners and other chemical based remedies that are available everywhere these days. π
i tried, anddddd it works! i going to try the eye debuffing next. thanks
Thanks josey for liking this remedy, hope you like the next one also.
Hey, I want to try it because I’ve always struggled with blackheads and acne. If I use it, do I still use my regular acne face wash?
@Jenna – Please go ahead and try out this home remedy. I would suggest you try one thing at a time, we dont want to trouble our acne too much all of a sudden. If this remedy works good for you then you can continue with other stuff.
I’ve done this twice this week and feel as if it’s working. I was wondering if I could do it more than twice a week until the acne is gone?
@Maria – Try using it for maximum 3 times a week if it suits your skin.
I loveeeeeeee it. Im a mom and wife who’s about to be
be 40 yrs young. I’ve the typical black wiman’s curse. Since age 11 I’ve had very extremely oily skin with unsightly acne, blackness and Imblemish and dull basically unseen skin. So obviously over the years spent buckets of money and no help. So this year i decided to go all natural and dumped all the expensive no good products. So my birthday is in July and Im going to celebrate it with A VERY CLEAR AND SMOOTH SKIN YAYYYYY
@Kay – Wow… I feel so happy to hear from you that it worked so well for you, thanks for liking it.
I was wondering – does it have to be an actual lemon? Can we use the lemon juice and honey mixture on a cotton ball and apply it that way? Or are there specific properties that only an actual lemon has that make this method effective? Thank you!
@Stephanie – you should use fresh lemon juice only, but you can apply it with cotton ball also
I cannot use honey because I am allergic. Is there any kind of substitute I could use because I would love to try this. It’s senior year and all through high school I’ve tried everything but nothing gets rid of my black heads. I have prom coming up soon and less than a month later is graduatuion. Any help would be great.
@Jennifer – Hi you can try mixing a spoon of egg white with 4-5 lemon drops and apply it. This helps reduce pores and reduce blackheads and white heads
I just tried this and loved it!
My skin feels cleaner, smoother and softer after just one use.
Thank you π
I am glad Jo it worked so well for you…
Interesting one! I must try and see the result.
yeah sure please try it and let me know how you felt…
Do I need to wash my face first and then do the remedy?
yes you should wash your face before…
yeah you should wash your face before..
Is it okay if I only put the lemon and honey on the black heads and not on my entire face?
yes Carmen it should be completely fine…
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I did enjoy your blog!. The data is well written.
I have heard of the application of lemons before but the honey is an interesting addition and seems to have delivered a few positive results.
I will have to try it. π
amazing, quick and easy advice. I will try this right now…
I’ve done this before to brighten my skin after too much sun exposure. It worked great for brightening and evening my skin tone, and the honey was a nice moisturizer. I have fair skin. For people who say it didn’t work for blackheads, I would suggest repeatedly dabbing honey on the spots quickly. I’ve heard that helps, partly because it lifts the blackheads like a pore strip would. For people with sensitive skin worried about redness, I’ve read that you can add cinnamon to help.
Is this just bleaching your blackheads with the lemon so they look less visible, or removing them? And if the latter, how does it actually work?
Thanks for your article! I am gonna try this.. Normally i use the blackhead mask to remove blackheads from my nose and chin.
i think this would work best when your right out of a nice hot shower when your pours are open. I’m defiantly going to give this a shot π