You all had seen I kept an active lifestyle during my 2nd Pregnancy with healthy eating and exercising like brisk walks, pushups, squats etc. All this kept me in good shape physically and mentally, working and running around till the day of my delivery. How can I forget one Afternoon I was running around in Jayamahal Palace Bangalore for work event and same day Night was crying and howling in Cloudnine hospital labour room and delivered my baby boy. Unbelievable day full of excitement and joy!
20 days after delivery I did try start Walks but ended up having fever. My body giving me signal that still it is weak. I decided to take more rest and continued eating healthy with lots of veggie, fruits and Ragi Kanji my favorite for evening snacks. I had gained around 10 kgs during my pregnancy, was 72 kgs at time of delivery. After delivery I came to 68 kg and remained stuck at that weight.

Again after my baby turned 6 months I decided to start exercising.
Inspired by my husband, I decided to start Running to see some quick results. But was scared to get any knee injuries as my muscles were still post pregnancy reviving. So took baby steps starting Brisk walks for 30 mins whenever I got time in the day. I was able to do it 3-4 days a week minimum. I started toning up little but my hunger pranks increased at the sametime as I was breastfeeding my baby too. Coming back from Walks I would Eat whatever I find ready in house like chips namkeen biscuits chocolates. As by now I was alone in house with my kids and not much help to get something healthy cooked for me for snacking.
Ended up gaining weight again, so eventually I did not loose any weight. Whatever weight I shed with brisk walks I gained with junk eating. This whole drama continued for 4-5 months with me losing only 1-2 kg weight.
So now I had 2 things to manage, Exercise and Food. I was losing my patience and was getting inclined to quit all the weight loss Drama but thankfully one day my friend suggested something to manage my food.
What do you think it will be- a Diet or something else?
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