The credit for this natural remedy goes to my mother, who is a big fan of natural things and keeps on exploring and experimenting. As Honey used to be always there in my home, many trials were done using it :).
This one was tried few years back when one day I had to go a function. I was going through bad hair days sorry month that time and I was just not feeling good about going to the function because of this. The reason being my dry limp hair would attract lot of attention and thereby advice from some of my aunts, which I never used to like then. Now with the passing years I have learnt the art of tackling them :).
So my mother made me this simple honey mixture, where one spoon of honey is mixed in 2-3 spoon of warm water and then I applied it to my hair Roots and left like that for around 30 minutes. After that I washed my hair normally with a shampoo and what I got was a surprise. My hair gained lot of volume and did not look dry because of the moisturizing affect of the honey and made me all ready to attend the function that day.
Well the affect of this honey mask is temporary and went off once I washed my hair but who cares as long as I have honey at home and it is all natural 🙂
P.S. – 1- The ratio given here is for indication purpose. You need to increase the amount in same proportion depending upon length of your hair.
2- Person who are allergic to honey should avoid this.
Good to hear! I will try this.
They say honey can whiten your hair. How true is that?
I know a couple of people who use honey on there hair regularly and they do not have hair whitening problem. But yeah since honey is a natural bleach, hair might get lighter in shade.