Hello Friends,
Welcome to Stylebees. I am Swati and I am a professional Blogger and Stylist and I started blogging with my blog Stylebees.com which is focussed on ‘Stylish and Healthy lifestyle’.
I am also an engineer by qualification and started my career as a Software Professional with Infosys Technologies and later joined IBM. During this time I travelled across the world and met different people and loved the way they styled themselves based on their culture and personality. Even though I loved to explore different styles in fashion, with time realized what we adapt becomes a reflection of our personality. So it is very important we choose what suits our personality best and is comfortable. Similarly it is also important to lead life the natural way, being less dependant on chemicals and artificial products.
With this thought in mind I started Stylebees which is like my fashion and lifestyle diary. So thanks for visiting Stylebees and taking time to read about me and hope to see you coming back…
Feel free to drop in your comments or to say hello to me at Stylebees@gmail.com
Love and gratitude always,
Swati Singh